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Benefits of Physical Therapy After a Car Accident

Following a car accident, it is wise to make an appointment with one of the 250,000 or so physical therapists in the United States. Physical therapy is a common part of any auto accident treatment plan, thanks to its effectiveness and the numerous benefits it can provide. Relieving Pain One of the most important physical […]

Physical Therapy For Shin Splints

It’s only human nature to want to constantly push yourself to new athletics heights. However, when you try to increase the intensity of your runs and workouts too quickly (without preparation), you open yourself up to a range of injuries and conditions. Medial tibial stress syndrome, or shin splints, could be one of these conditions. […]

Physical Therapy in Oceanside

Comprehensive Healthcare Group is an established and well regarded multi-disciplinary practice providing traditional and holistic medical treatment in the fields of physical medicine, orthopedics, physical therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture and pain management at our fully staffed locations in Nassau County, Long Island, NY. Our specialists emphasize individualized patient needs through a variety of healthcare services under one […]

The Difference Between Episodic And Chronic Migraines

Chiropractor in Valley Stream Headaches are a common medical condition that many patients experience on a consistent basis, but treatment with a chiropractor in Valley Stream can help. Headache types can range from to the extremely common tension headaches, to the more painful cluster headaches.  One of the most well-known and feared forms of headache […]

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is considered a chronic disorder defined by broad musculoskeletal pain paired with fatigue, sleep, basic memory, and mood complications. Fibromyalgia heightens pain sensations by changing the way the brain processes pain signals. Comprehensive Healthcare Group, a physiatrist in Oceanside and Valley Stream uses personalized management techniques to reduce these sensations.   Research states that […]


Whiplash is a common condition that causes pain in the neck and head specifically. The most common cause of whiplash is being involved in a car accident. Often times, when the car of the injured person is hit from behind, the force causes the passenger’s head to abruptly jerk forward and then backward. The intense […]

Treatment For Low Back Pain

Chiropractor in Valley Stream Many patients report having low back pain throughout their lives. This pain can be caused by anything from poor posture to a herniated disc. Significant research has been conducted to show that low back pain should be treated with chiropractic care in the early stages of treatment. Not only is it […]

ACL Tears – Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

One of the four major knee ligaments, the ACL or anterior cruciate ligament is critical to knee stability. A tear in the ACL ligament can be painful and immobilize you. If you have symptoms such as tenderness, pain, swelling or feel a sudden “pop” in your knee, call Comprehensive Healthcare Group (CHG). Our Orthopedic team […]

How Sprains and Strains are Treated

Sprains and strains are among the most common injuries for those seeking physical therapy treatment on Long Island. It is commonly seen during summer from sports injuries and in winter from slip and falls. These injuries can also result from motor vehicle accidents, work related injuries etc. Sprains are different from strains. A sprain occurs […]

Slipped Discs

“Why do I have pain in my neck and back?” or “Why do I have pain in my arms or legs that seems to be related to movement in my neck or back?” People from Oceanside and Valley Stream and many other towns all over the US have the same question. A gardener in Lynbrook […]