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Fibromyalgia is considered a chronic disorder defined by broad musculoskeletal pain paired with fatigue, sleep, basic memory, and mood complications. Fibromyalgia heightens pain sensations by changing the way the brain processes pain signals. Comprehensive Healthcare Group, a physiatrist in Oceanside and Valley Stream uses personalized management techniques to reduce these sensations.  

Research states that consistent stimulation of the nerves causes the brain of those suffering from fibromyalgia to interact differently. This change elevates specific neurotransmitters in the brain that signal pain. These neurotransmitters develop a memory to pain, becoming more hypersensitive and can cause overreactions to pain signals.

Fibromyalgia is more commonly seen in women and those who have a genetic history of fibromyalgia inside one’s family. Comprehensive Healthcare Group has a physiatrist in Oceanside that offers some of the best treatment for fibromyalgia.


Fibromyalgia causes one to have aches all over, including some “trigger points” in your body that can continue to ache no matter what at-home remedies you may try. Common symptoms of fibromyalgia include:

  • General Pain– Dull aches and pains that have been consistent for at least three months. These pains normally occur all over your body, both above and below your waist area.
  • Fatigue– Even if you are sleeping for a long period of time, people with fibromyalgia still often wake up groggy and do not feel refreshed. In some cases, those with fibromyalgia may develop specific sleep disorders, including but not limited to restless leg syndrome and sleep apnea. Restless leg syndrome includes a sensation in one’s legs that gives you a constant urge to move to relieve the sensation, while sleep apnea obstructs ones breathing during sleep.
  • “Fibro Fog”– The symptom of “fibro fog” impacts the ability to maintain focus to complete basic mental tasks. This fog impacts your ability to choose words and hold conversations.


While there is no determined cure for fibromyalgia, there are management techniques known by our physiatrist in Oceanside to help control pain brought by fibromyalgia. Some of the most successful management techniques come from exercise and relaxation, reducing personal stress is also known to weaken the fibromyalgia pain.

There is not one specific approach known for pain management, but each patient who is seen by a physiatrist in Oceanside has their own disciplined focus arranged to set them up to function at the highest possible level. Rehabilitation is tailored to each symptom of pain to reduce stress caused by chronic pain.

In addition, some exercise will improve your function and diminish pain. Overworking may flare up pain so it is important to listen to your body. It is important to focus on aerobic exercises such as walking, swimming, or biking, one common recommendation is to complete 30 minutes of walking, swimming or biking at least three times a week. Once again it is important to remember that there is no competition when it comes to rehabilitation, everyone’s body is different and reacts differently to different portions of aerobics. Slower paced practices include yoga or hot yoga, yoga uses deep breathing and slow movements to relax the body and keep fibromyalgia from flaring.

If you or anyone you know suffers from fibromyalgia or the symptoms of fibromyalgia do not hesitate to contact Comprehensive Healthcare Group, a physiatrist in Oceanside and Valley Stream today.